Cause: It probably isn’t wrong because roomMaster’s availability is very accurate. Instead, you probably have made the common mistake of not considering everything that affects availability – out of service rooms, groups, etc.

Solution: Click on the Availability button (or press F4) and then select Breakdown. The Availability Breakdown window will show all of the in-house, reserved, out of service, and group block rooms for any room type on a specified date. This window is the best tool for understanding why your forecast and availability don’t appear to be what you think they should be.

Comments: Out of service/unavailable rooms, as well as group rooms, are the most common oversights when clients attempt to manually calculate availability.

Also, check that a reservation is not assigned a room type, but a room number of another type is assigned. You can do this by running the Assigned Rooms Report and look for any reservation which has a room type different than assigned room number. These are highlighted with an asterisk.

Finally, you can use Setup > Rebuild Forecast. If the same figures appear on the availability screen, you may want to run Setup > Configuration > File Maintenance > Verify Database Files.